Welcome to Zuster. The Sabbat venue of the VTMYTE (Vampire the Masquerade YouTube Experience) movement as started in 2013 by the Gentleman Gamer.
Zuster City is exclusively a Sabbat venue where much bloodshed and violence is encouraged. Should you like to join us mail zustercity@gmail.com or
ping Baraqijal Blue on Facebook.

Friday 28 November 2014


This scene took place about a week before it was posted.


Seth tries to use the shovelhead's mortal contacts to get contacts of his own in the city until his derangement got in the way and Alastair gets all the new toys. At least his pet now has merit to bring to the pack.

Thursday 27 November 2014

Looking for Pack

Alice quits the Prometheans, Fred shoots Eli, and the situation escalates.

Light My Fire

Bitte Svett; is she a light or heavy sleeper? She finds out when she hears noises in the day. She shoots a man but when she wakes up the following sunset all traces of this ever happening are gone.

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Looking for Gasolina

Murdoch Bratos and Cody Miller try and go clean up the streets of Zustercity one punk at a time. This scene sets mostly a precedent of how Cody and Murdoch go about trying to clean the streets from the presence of the Zustercity Bloods and Latin Kings.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

From Paris With Love

Franklin Hatchett finds out how dangerous it is to sleep during the day in Zustercity.

United Bastards

Franklin and Bitte want to talk to Jacob and find that the professor is there too. Plans are made and KK shows up.

Monday 24 November 2014

The Minute of Decay

"Greetings Cainites of Zuster! I am proud to present Winston The Scholar, True Sabbat and Abbot of the Fireflies Pack." - Legate Seth Cardigan, Fireflies Priest

Sunday 23 November 2014

Gunning for Power

Franklin is called by the Bishop to do an asignment and to recieve his blessing in the name of Caine.

...For They Are Worthy

Alistair seeks out the Firefly Pack, and Legate Seth Cardigan answers the call...

Jumping In

Fred gives Alistair some basic lessons, and learns something himself.

What If God Was One Of Us?

"Seth" returns to the Firefly Haven to introduce KK to his childe Winston; it becomes an awkward drive as Seth seems overly enthused/infused from the evening's Blood Feast...

I'll Keep Dancing Till The Morning With Somebody New-CRJ

Fireflies Pack goes through some changes, with the blessing of Bishop Kashrimi.

Saturday 22 November 2014

Test Run

As there has been no results, Murdoch decides to include more players to the game. Now it is a race!

Friday 21 November 2014

Spiritual Health

Seth Cardigan comes to meet his Bishop and to ask for Guidance after his pack has suffered so much loss.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Yet Another Baby

Fred is out hunting, but his prey turns out to no longer be alive.

One of These Things Is Not Like The Other

Some technical difficulties plagued this scene but in general the scene was a success. Raven finds out about a drug deal going on in the streets and a lot more gang activity than before. In the end when she walks away from the deal something just didn't feel right but she can't put her finger on what.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Snow Informer

Bitte and Franklin hear about a gun shipment coming in near the docks of Broadwalk in Zustercity for the Latin Kings. They go out and intercept this particular shipment. A high-speed chase unravels as Franklin doesn't want the other crate to get away.

Monday 17 November 2014

Free Your Mind

Seth Cardigan embraces the mortal his "intuition" led him to. The seem to be two peas in similar pods, horror vs religion...

Saturday 15 November 2014

Wednesday 12 November 2014

A Word is Given, Who will follow up?

The Captain is been informed and has been given a sugestion what to do to help the defence of the city.

The last 7 minutes are pure techncial difficulties. Don't bother watching.

Ghostly Information

Ghost Owen touches base with Alice and informs her of the various things he saw at the Airport. He afterwards gets send on a messenger mission to Bishop Bratos.

The Dog Days

Murdoch catches up with Alicegator practicing some fleshcraft and the two talk of recent events.

Rumbling on the Streets

There's whispers and words of various gangs pushes people out of their turf. The Latin Kings hit a Vandal Chop Shop and also a safe house of the River Rats. Cody and Murdoch were present for the first one while Kaylee and Franklin were there for the second one. They follow the Latin Kings and intercept them eventually. Is there a turf war brooding in the Z?

Tuesday 11 November 2014

When it rains, it pours

Two members of the 40K meet and discuss the business of the 40K pack.

Moving On

Seth Cardigan, after coming to terms with how Palla Grande decimated his pack, has returned to lucidity and reaches out to Bishop Bratos.

Monday 10 November 2014

Private Peep Show

Eli Barmheart invites the well-off, interesting and peculiar of Zustercity to a showing of "Legs to Die Four". Of course there will also be some Cainites in the audience he's sure. However, for the especially interesting Eli is going to have a private room set up with an extra special showing of never before seen footage.

We have visitors

Krueger informs Murdoch about the airport situation.

Sunday 9 November 2014

We've got company

Fred informs his packmates about the small army of unknown vampires that took over the airport and they make plans how to deal with the issue.

Thursday 6 November 2014

Order vs Chaos

The Commissar wanders into Arbor Heights looking for the Boyz and finds Beautiful Boris making himself a martini. The Commissar ends up losing his big sword, but not his dignity. At least not as much as he could have.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

5 Finger Discounts and First Airport Haunting

Shopping trip after the Professor talk and William goes tto scout the airport.

Technical Issues

Kk updates the Professors PC and makes techies sad. Alicegator is concerned with the cities defenses, the three plot and plans are hatched.